Can school building designs find a balance in hot climates?

Sunlight vs heat, pollution and energy use 

Type: Design solution
Audience: Architects, School Management, Local Government
Team: Ankita Dwivedi
Special thanks: Stephen Conon-Brookes
Location: India

Light enters through eyes so we ignore its deeper benefits on brains and bodies. 

Light enables many tasks through vision, but when triggered by light, the eye’s retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) release melanopsin, affecting alertness, sleep, mood, sensitivity to brightness and constancy of light. Sunlight UV modulates Vitamin D synthesis through the skin enabling calcium absorption for skeletal and organ health, mood regulation and improved immunity. UV-A destroys DNA-killing microorganisms and UV-C deactivates pathogens such as fungal spores and bacilli. Sunlight is especially important during early life years in schools.

Schools in New Delhi fight sunlight most months. Sunlight can lead to heat build-up, triggering the need for increased ventilation, and therefore increasing student exposure to pollutants outside. To manage this classrooms shut students away from sunlight and its benefits.

This study follows a building design process to study light and lighting in a classroom. It asks why good quantity and quality of light is needed in schools. It explores synergies, challenges, opportunities, current local codes and best practice, before analysing and modifying design iteratively for lighting, promoting health and learning in a classroom for 11 to 18 year olds.

This work will create impact by:

  1. Making a case for Delhi schools to maximise sunlight for children, especially at its therapeutic peak.

  2. Advising on best practices to mitigate negative effects of heat and pollution when sunlight is allowed in.

  3.  Outlining artificial lighting design guidance to mitigate glare and to optimise use of daylight.

  4. Providing the school with windows and facades design guidance to maximise benefit and mitigate harm from the environment.

For more information on the process or outcomes of the project please contact us:


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