We shape work by our unique and specific combination of skills, passion, knowledge and experience.

We bring together a wide breadth of expertise in research, analysis, architectural design, project management, planning, international development, teaching and training in many countries around the world.

The team is adept at critical and design thinking, and creative in its approach to problems. It draws from, synthesises and applies knowledge across disciplines.

Scroll down to meet the team

Scala Colab Scala Colab

Emilio Solis

Sustainability Manufacture Analyst & Communication

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Scala Colab Scala Colab

Nivya PC

M.plan, B.Tech
GIS and Spatial Analyst

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Scala Colab Scala Colab

Pratik Gohlkar

PhD, M.Tech, BE
Chemical Engineer & LCA Researcher · Collaborator

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We work internationally and are always looking for new collaborations.