Can we make a river the bridge? 

Transforming Hyderabad:
Musi Riverfront Revitalisation

Musi Riverfront Development Corporation (MRDC), Government of Telangana (GoT)
Type: Strategy and Advice
Audience: Government
Team: Ankita Dwivedi, Shahana Chattaraj
Location: India

To make Musi River Corridor a connector rather than a divider in the broadest sense we supported MRDC on strategic approach, vision and goals. 

We helped envision, structure, design and implement a method for the project in order to best realise MRDC and GoT objectives. We provided guidance on relevant global best practices, sourcing relevant research and knowledge and its application in the project context.

We also created a design brief and invited top global firms to participate in a design competition. Their mission was to create places and infrastructures to serve Hyderabad’s diverse communities, and meet their environmental, social, cultural and economic aspirations.

This work will create impact by:

  1. Cleaning up a neglected historic river that runs through the city.

  2. Decongesting traffic and improving connectivity for various user groups by adding public transport, bike lanes and walkways.

  3. Greening the city centre to reduce urban heat island effect.

  4. Conserving and reviving the natural habitat for wildlife along its 50 km stretch. 

  5. Creating a wide variety of public and community spaces to serve different user groups.

  6. Triggering economic opportunities for people along its banks.

  7. Restoring the city centre to its old glory and increasing local tourism. 

For more information on the project please contact us:


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